The Entire Mix
A big mess of minutiae right here
Speaker John Boehner becomes PAC-man, raises millions for the NRCC
Speaker John Boehner really knows how to raise a lot of money in a short period of time — to help his fellow Republicans win their respectives races, of course. So far, through various fundraising appearances, Speaker Boehner has racked up a whopping $80 million for the coffers of the National Republican Congressional Committee. Boehner has also donated $4.1 million from his own campaign war chest to the NRCC. That’s a LOT of moola to toss around. And this is just the beginning – the Speaker has 100 more fundraisers to headline in this cycle alone. Gee, could Boeher close […]
Continue reading→Romney booed at NAACP meeting for using buzzword
I’m sure that Romney campaign spin doctors were pounding their heads against a wall when Mitt went freestylin’ at the NAACP meeting in Houston today. It was bad enough that Romney stated his plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act to an audience comprised mostly of Obama supporters, but he used the GOP’s favorite euphemism for it, ‘Obamacare.’ Oops. Maybe jet lag was to blame and poor Mitt thought, for a moment, that he was speaking before a large group of Tea Partiers instead.
Continue reading→Pee-Wee Romney to Obama: “I’m an outsourcer and so are you!”
The media, in paroxysms of glee, are reporting the latest in the Mitt Romney campaign’s ‘defense disguised as offense’ maneuvers, that Romney is “hitting hard” against the Obama campaign by calling the President “Outsourcer-in-Chief.” Eh, that’s more like a slap fight than a direct fist to the jaw. Several sources, including Politifact and the Washington Post Fact Checker, have found most of the ‘facts’ contained in Romney’s latest attack ads to be either outright fiction or pieced-together sound bites. Romney has said that the jobs cut by Bain Capital on his watch were not outsourced, but off shored. Really? So…did […]
Continue reading→Rep. Joe Walsh to war veterans: be noble and shut up about your military service
According to Illinois Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Chicken Hawk), “true heroes” don’t ever, ever talk about their time in combat. Especially when they’re running for office. If you’re a war veteran, just shut the eff up, according to Mr. Walsh. Joe’s looking at you, Tammy Duckworth. At a town hall meeting on July 3, 2012, Walsh extolled the virtues of John McCain refusing to talk about his experience as a fighter pilot during the Vietnam War on the 2008 campaign trail. Walsh then took that example as reason to diss his opponent, Tammy Duckworth, for mentioning her 20 years of military […]
Continue reading→House Republicans’ Fast & Furious Hail Mary
Break out the klaxons bells! House Republicans have uncovered an uber-top-secret cover-up by the Obama Administration’s Justice Department! You know, that failed attempt last year by federal investigators allowing guns to end up in the hands of gangs of criminals in order to disrupt large-scale arms trafficking by organized crime syndicates across the US-Mexico border? It had a fancy-schmancy name, ‘Operation Fast & Furious’…like the movie starring Vin Diesel? Just imagine Iran-Contra in the Eighties, only without the arms selling part…and the ‘overthrowing-a-government-we-don’t-like-part.’ Oh, right. You were more concerned with making your next mortgage payment and upset that your employer […]
Continue reading→Testicle canapé, anyone?
When Japanese artist Mao Sugiyama announced that he’d served up his severed and sauteed ‘nads to paying diners, the second shocker was that there are no laws against cannibalism in Japan. And, apparently, there are few, if any, laws against cannibalism…well…anywhere. There apparently are no formal laws in the United States regarding cannibalism, but if you killed your neighbor and threw him on the barbeque, you’d at least be arrested for murder and desecration of a corpse. Similarly in Canada and most other countries; however, the British outlawed cannibalism in the early 19th century.
Continue reading→Um, spammers…can we talk?
Look. It’s like this: DO NOT ask me if you can quote anything in my posts…particularly the ‘dummy’ first posts. What would you possibly want to quote, anyway? How about ‘Testing, testing, testing’ or ‘Wow! My first blog post!’ or ‘Hello world!” or…well, hopefully you get the point. Oh, and don’t think that I’m flattered by your lame-assed ‘comment,’ “I wish I could find informative websites such as yours!.” Yeah, right. Perhaps you should find an ‘informative website’ to help you in constructing grammatical sentences. Here’s a snippet of advice (not that I want to HELP you, mind): Bad grammar […]
Continue reading→Blip from the Past: This is how we wag the dog, wag the dog, wag the dog…
Because this is an election year, it behooves me to remind all and sundry of the cray-zazee daze of George W. Bush’s tenure in the White House. This journal entry from January 2002 highlights what would be one in a long parade of ‘wag the dog’ antics offered up to the American Public by the Bush Administration. If Homeland Security’s silly Threat Level chart didn’t scare the be-Jeebus out of you, then by golly, John Walker Lindh surely would. Or at least, in theory, he should have. Maybe. So…anyway…John Walker Lindh is currently serving a 20 year sentence at the […]
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